poniedziałek, 12 listopada 2012

Lotus Domino - replicate cmd

      • -- Server with which to replicate
      • -- One of the following: PUSH, PULL, or BOTH (optional; default is BOTH)
      • -- List of files to replicate -- for example, TESTREP1.NSF|TESTREP2.NSF (optional; default is ALL)
      • -- One or more of these options. Use the split vertical bar (|) to separate options.

      UPDATE_COLL -- Update collectionsCLOSE_SESSION -- End session with server when done
      SUMMARY_ONLY -- Only replicate summary fields
      TRUNCATE -- Truncate long documents
      PRI_LOW -- Replicate low-priority databases
      PRI_MED -- Replicate medium-priority databases
      PRI_HI -- Replicate high-priority databases

      Na serwerze gdzie niema pliku wpisujemy

      pull [nazwa serwera gdzie jest plik] mail\jkowalski.nsf

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